If you were born in July, your birthstone is the enchanting red ruby. The July birthstone represents a gemstone that has been worn among the powerful and wealthy for centuries.  The ruby is one of the most famously colored birthstones. You will love wearing your July birthstone as a necklace or bracelet and enjoy looking down at its deep red color. 

In this guide, you will learn all about: 

  • The history and symbolism of the July birthstone 
  • Where rubies are mined 
  • The value of rubies
  • The typical ways to clean and care for a piece of jewelry with a ruby stone

July Birthstone History & Symbolism

The name ruby comes from the Latin word Rubeus, which stands for “red” and describes the gorgeous color of this stone. The ruby has a history that started as far back as 200 B.C. when used in trade along China’s silk road. In fact, the St. James bible mentioned the July Birthstone as much as six times.  

The first ruby was uncovered in Asia. During the early 1900s, people in Thailand and Cambodia discovered high-quality ruby birthstones. As time went on, people in Vietnam and Myanmar found the rubies as well. 

According to ancient Sanskrit, the meaning of ruby is “king of precious stones.” Myanmar, which was previously known as Burma, was the most common place to find rubies for centuries. During the Middle Ages, Chinese noblemen wore this gem on their armor to ensure they gained protection and strength.  

In India, ancient Hindus offered rubies to their gods so that they could be reborn as powerful kings or emperors in their new life.  

The symbolism and meaning behind the ruby represent it as a fierce gemstone meant to activate the heart chakra. In this vein of thought, it is believed that the ruby can protect you from heartbreak. The ruby holds a connection to the heart and to love. This gem is said to boost faithfulness and devotion in romantic relationships. The red color of a ruby and its passionate symbolism also make it a great gift for Valentine’s Day.  

The ruby links itself with terms like courage, happiness, and integrity. Furthermore, the ruby may also bring a boost in passion for life, removing procrastination, and helping one concentrate and finish tasks. Wearing a ruby is also meant to protect one’s life and peace. Essentially, this gemstone represents power, protection, and courage. 

Where Is The July Birthstone Found? 

Rough ruby gems come from limestone and gem gravels globally. The best rubies worldwide come from Myanmar (previously known as Burma). Thailand is also known for mining rubies that have strong clarity and a deep red color. Rubies are also mined in countries like: 

  • Australia 
  • Cambodia 
  • Afghanistan 
  • Pakistan 
  • Sri Lanka 
  • India 
  • Madagascar 
  • Vietnam 
  • Mozambique 
  • Malawi 
  • Thailand 
  • United States 
  • Tanzania

Rubies form their deep red color under severe heat and pressure beneath the earth.

During compression, the oxygen and aluminum oxide become a mineral called corundum. With the help of chromium, the corundum turns into a red ruby. When it holds ferric iron, the ruby has a shade of pink or orange.

The ruby is one of the rarest gemstones in the world. The high quality and unique color of the Burmese ruby makes it the rarest gem around. A ruby larger than one carat is also very rare and pricey.

The largest ruby discovered was 8.2 pounds and 18,696 carats. Another impressive ruby was the Liberty Bell Ruby, which is 8,500 carats and carved to resemble the Liberty Bell. Further, the Long Star Ruby is 100.32 carats in size while the Midnight Star Ruby is 116.75 carats in size.

Value Of The July Birthstone

The value of a ruby depends greatly on the quality and carat weight of this gemstone. The cost of a ruby gem can be as low as $1.00 per carat to as much as $100,000 per carat. However, most rubies with a weight of one carat are $1,000 per carat. The cost increases quickly for rubies with good color, cut, clarity, and carat weight. In fact, the most expensive ruby ever sold is the Sunrise Ruby, which sold at more than $1 million per carat with a total of 25 carats.

July Birthstone Cleaning And Care Tips

You should avoid using acids like lemon juice when cleaning rubies, as it could damage the gemstone. The best and safest way to clean ruby jewelry is to use warm, soapy water. You can also implement steam cleaners to safely clean your rubies whether they are lattice diffusion treated stones or heat-treated and untreated stones. However, you should only use a damp cloth to clean particular ruby stones, such as cavity-filled, fracture-filled, or dyed material gemstones.

You will find that most rubies are very durable and strong. In particular, heat-treated and untreated rubies are extremely durable. Fracture-filled stones include surface-reaching fractures that are filled with high-lead content glass.

These particular rubies require more care and you could damage them if they contact various chemicals. You might even see that mild things, like lemon juice, could damage high-lead content glass.

The basic steps you can use to clean and care for your July birthstone include:

  1. Fill a small bowl with several drops of liquid soap and warm water.
  2. Place the gemstone into the bowl and let it soak for 15 or 20 minutes. Don’t crowd the bowl with too many stones.
  3. Now, use a soft-bristle toothbrush to gently rub the gemstone to remove any debris. Avoid scrubbing too hard or accidentally making the ruby loose by going too deep.
  4. Swish the gemstone one last time in the water to get rid of any remaining dirt.
  5. If the ruby still looks dirty, refill the bowl with warm, soapy water and repeat steps 1 through 4.
  6. Use a lint-free cloth to dry the ruby gemstones. Leave it on the cloth to air-dry fully.

By following the advice here, you can take better care of your ruby stones and ensure they last for many years to come.

July Birthstone Facts

  • The July birthstone was known for its good fortune, as it was thought to protect those who wore it from evil whether one prefers to wear it as a necklace, bracelet, or ring. Another July birthstone fact involves its color of deep red to a pale rose, which represents passion and love.
  • The gem’s incorporation of chromium gives it that red color while also increasing the risk of cracks for this stone. The most expensive rubies are clear and have a purplish-red color while the least valuable ones are cloudier and have orange, pink, or brown tints.
  • Today, many rubies are heat-treated to improve their value by boosting transparency and color saturation. The deepest red ruby has the highest amount of chromium.
  • In India, the ruby symbolizes power, youth, and energy. During the Middle Ages, Europeans believed the ruby brought wisdom, wealth, better outcomes in love, and health.
  • Another July birthstone fact includes the symbolism behind dreaming of a ruby. Those who dream of this gemstone will have good luck, according to folklore.
  • In addition, one of the biggest rubies ever discovered was named Peace since it was first detected in 1919 after World War I came to an end.

July Birthstone FAQs

What Is The July Birthstone?

The July birthstone or the ruby was called the “king of gems” by ancient Hindus or the “king of precious stones” in ancient India. This is a very rare and beautiful stone with strong hardness. The ruby and the sapphire are the second hardest natural gemstones while the diamond is the hardest natural gemstone on the globe.

What Color Of Birthstone Is July?

The July birthstone is a ruby and has a fascinating red color. Another July birthstone is the Carnelian gemstone, which also comes in a reddish color. Chromium causes the red color of rubies. The ruby also has secondary hues of orange, purple, and pink. Myanmar holds rubies with the most vibrant red colors and they nearly glow.

July Birthstone Jewelry Gifts

Shopping for birthstone gifts for the July birthdays in your life? Discover some of our favorite and most popular pieces below!

Teardrop Lab Ruby Pendant

A pear-shaped, lab-created ruby rests within a bezel setting with an open back to allow maximum light to reach the gem. This reversible pendant can be worn on either side making it the perfect option for everyday wear.

Lab Created Ruby Tennis Bracelet

This eye-catching tennis bracelet embellishes the wrist with beautiful lab created rubies individually set in lustrous links.

Beatrice Lab Created Ruby And Diamond Ring

An emerald-cut lab ruby glistens in the center of this diamond encrusted band.

Lab Ruby Bezel Bracelet

Both elegant and timeless, this bracelet features a charming bezel-set lab created ruby on a delicate cable chain.

Engravable Lab Ruby Bar Bracelet

A lustrous metal bar is attached to a cable chain in this classic and wearable everyday engravable lab ruby bracelet.

Floating Solitaire Lab Ruby Pendant

A beautiful lab created ruby is set in this elegant pendant style, which glides smoothly along a lustrous cable chain.

Emerald Cut Lab Ruby Stud Earrings

Perfect for everyday wear, these emerald-cut lab created ruby stud earrings are prong-set in lustrous metal for a classic look.

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